The Guide Show How-to Install the Latest Opera Browser 12+ 64bit on Snow Linux 4 Glacier Mate Amd64 Desktop the Easy-Way.
The Opera Browser Dispose of Several Advanced Features and the Most Valuable One is the Ability of Perfectly Resuming Any Download.
Take Note: At the Same Time I'm also Illustrating here the Easiest Way of Installing the New Downloaded .deb Packages with Dependencies.
To the Bottom of the Guide You Find Link to Create a Mate Launcher for Debian and the Latest Chrome Browser for Snow Linux.
The Article have Included the Basic Screenshots of the Process to Rend the Visualization and Installation Easier and More Pleasant.

Download Latest Opera Browser:
- Double-Click on Opera .deb Package
Now Simply Click on Install
GDebi Package Installer will Automatically Manage, Download and Install the Eventual Dependencies ;)
Create a Snow-Linux Mate Application Launcher:
How-to Install Google-Chrome Browser for Snow-Linux: